Finding the Longest Substring U of W such that UUU is a Substring in W: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Rhiane -

Finding the Longest Substring U of W such that UUU is a Substring in W: A Comprehensive Guide

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Imagine you’re a detective trying to crack a coded message. You have a string W, and you need to find the longest substring U such that UUU (the substring repeated three times) is also a substring of W. Sounds like a puzzle, right? Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re going to explore this fascinating problem and provide a step-by-step guide on how to solve it.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s break down the problem and understand what we’re dealing with.

  • W**: The original string we’re working with.
  • U**: The substring we’re trying to find.
  • UUU**: The repeated substring U three times.

The goal is to find the longest possible substring U such that UUU is a substring of W.

Brute Force Approach

A straightforward way to tackle this problem is by using a brute force approach. We can iterate through every possible substring of W and check if its repetition (UUU) is a substring of W.

for each substring U in W:
    if UUU is a substring of W:
        if length of U is greater than current longest U:
            update longest U

While this approach works, it’s not very efficient, especially for large strings W. The time complexity of this approach is O(n^3), where n is the length of W.

Optimized Approach

To optimize our solution, we can use a more clever approach. We’ll create a suffix tree for W and then traverse the tree to find the longest U such that UUU is a substring of W.

Building the Suffix Tree

A suffix tree is a data structure that contains all the suffixes of a given string. We can build a suffix tree for W using the following algorithm:

create a tree with a single node (root)
for each suffix S of W:
    current node = root
    for each character c in S:
        if current node has a child node with label c:
            current node = child node
            create a new node with label c and add it to current node
            current node = new node

The resulting suffix tree will have all the suffixes of W, including the longest U such that UUU is a substring of W.

Traversing the Suffix Tree

Now that we have the suffix tree, we can traverse it to find the longest U such that UUU is a substring of W.

traverse the suffix tree in a depth-first manner
for each node in the tree:
    if the node represents a suffix U such that UUU is a substring of W:
        if length of U is greater than current longest U:
            update longest U

The time complexity of this approach is O(n), which is a significant improvement over the brute force approach.

Implementation in Python

Here’s an example implementation in Python using the optimized approach:

def longest_substring_uuu(w):
    # Build the suffix tree
    tree = {}
    for i in range(len(w)):
        suffix = w[i:]
        current_node = tree
        for char in suffix:
            if char not in current_node:
                current_node[char] = {}
            current_node = current_node[char]

    # Traverse the suffix tree
    longest_u = ""
    def traverse(node, path):
        nonlocal longest_u
        for char, child in node.items():
            new_path = path + char
            if new_path * 3 in w:
                if len(new_path) > len(longest_u):
                    longest_u = new_path
            traverse(child, new_path)

    traverse(tree, "")

    return longest_u

You can test this function with a sample string W, like this:

w = "banana"
print(longest_substring_uuu(w))  # Output: "ana"


Finding the longest substring U of W such that UUU is a substring in W may seem like a complex problem, but with the right approach, it can be solved efficiently. By building a suffix tree and traversing it, we can find the longest possible U in linear time. Whether you’re a detective trying to crack a coded message or a programmer solving a challenging problem, this guide has provided you with the tools and knowledge to tackle this fascinating puzzle.

Approach Time Complexity
Brute Force O(n^3)
Optimized (Suffix Tree) O(n)

Remember, in programming, there’s often more than one way to solve a problem. The key is to find the most efficient and elegant solution, just like we did today.


  1. Q: What if W is a very large string?

    A: In that case, using a suffix tree may not be feasible due to memory constraints. You may need to use a more memory-efficient data structure or a streaming algorithm.

  2. Q: Can I use this approach for other similar problems?

    A: Yes, the suffix tree approach can be adapted to solve other string-related problems, such as finding the longest repeated substring or the longest common substring.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about suffix trees and their applications, I recommend checking out the following resources:

Happy coding, and don’t forget to practice your problem-solving skills!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery of finding the longest substring u of w such that uuu is a substring in w!

What is the problem statement about?

The problem statement is about finding the longest substring u of a given string w, such that the concatenation of u three times (uuu) is a substring of w. It’s a clever puzzle that requires a thoughtful approach!

Is there a brute force approach to solve this problem?

Yes, a brute force approach is possible, but it’s not efficient. You could generate all possible substrings of w and check if their concatenation is a substring of w. However, this approach has an exponential time complexity, making it impractical for large strings.

How can I optimize the solution using suffix trees?

A suffix tree is a data structure that allows you to efficiently search for all occurrences of a substring in a string. You can build a suffix tree for w and then search for the longest substring u such that uuu is a substring of w. This approach reduces the time complexity to linear, making it much more efficient!

Can I use dynamic programming to solve this problem?

Yes, dynamic programming is another approach to solve this problem. You can build a 2D table to store the longest substring u such that uuu is a substring of w, and then fill the table using dynamic programming. This approach also has a linear time complexity, making it efficient!

What are some real-world applications of this problem?

This problem has applications in various fields, such as data compression, text searching, and bioinformatics. For example, in data compression, finding the longest repeated substring can help in compressing data more efficiently. In bioinformatics, this problem is related to finding repetitive patterns in DNA sequences.