Go: The Mysterious Case of the Failing Test – When Expected Value is the Same as Got Value
Image by Rhiane - hkhazo.biz.id

Go: The Mysterious Case of the Failing Test – When Expected Value is the Same as Got Value

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your Go test is failing when the expected value is seemingly the same as the got value? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Go testing and uncover the secrets behind this frustrating phenomenon.

The Problem: Test Fails Despite Identical Values

Let’s consider a simple example. You’re writing a test for a function that returns a string:

func TestMyFunction(t *testing.T) {
    got := myFunction()
    expected := "Hello, World!"
    if got != expected {
        t.Errorf("Expected %s, but got %s", expected, got)

In this scenario, you’d expect the test to pass, right? After all, the expected value and the got value are identical. But, to your surprise, the test fails. What’s going on?

The Culprit: Type Mismatch

The issue lies in the way Go compares values. When you write `got != expected`, Go performs a type-safe comparison. This means that the types of `got` and `expected` must match exactly. In this case, `got` is likely a string (the return type of `myFunction()`), while `expected` is a string literal.

The problem arises when the string literal is not explicitly typed. In Go, string literals are untyped string constants. When you assign an untyped string constant to a variable, the variable takes on the type `string`. However, when you compare an untyped string constant with a typed string variable, the comparison fails.

To illustrate this, let’s examine the following code:

func main() {
    s := "Hello, World!"
    t := "Hello, World!"
    fmt.Println(s == t) // true

    u := "Hello, World!"
    v := string("Hello, World!")
    fmt.Println(u == v) // false

In the first comparison, both `s` and `t` are typed strings, so the comparison succeeds. In the second comparison, `u` is an untyped string constant, while `v` is a typed string. The comparison fails because of the type mismatch.

The Solution: Type- Safe Comparisons

To fix the test, you need to ensure that the types of `got` and `expected` match exactly. You can do this by explicitly typing the string literal:

func TestMyFunction(t *testing.T) {
    got := myFunction()
    expected := string("Hello, World!")
    if got != expected {
        t.Errorf("Expected %s, but got %s", expected, got)

By casting the string literal to a typed string using the `string()` function, you ensure that the comparison is type-safe.

Alternative Solution: Use the `fmt` Package

Another approach is to use the `fmt` package to compare strings. The `fmt.Sprintf()` function can help you create a typed string:

func TestMyFunction(t *testing.T) {
    got := myFunction()
    expected := fmt.Sprintf("%s", "Hello, World!")
    if got != expected {
        t.Errorf("Expected %s, but got %s", expected, got)

This method is useful when you need to compare complex values, such as structs or arrays, where explicit typing is not feasible.

Best Practices for Go Testing

To avoid type-related issues in your Go tests, follow these best practices:

  • Use explicit typing for constants and literals: When assigning constants or literals to variables, use explicit typing to ensure type safety.
  • Avoid using untyped constants and literals: Refrain from using untyped constants and literals in comparisons, as they can lead to type mismatches.
  • : When comparing complex values, use the `fmt` package to create typed strings or values.
  • Verify type matches before comparisons: Before performing a comparison, ensure that the types of the values being compared match exactly.


In conclusion, when your Go test fails despite identical expected and got values, the culprit is often a type mismatch. By understanding how Go compares values and following best practices for testing, you can avoid these issues and write more robust tests. Remember to use explicit typing, avoid untyped constants and literals, and utilize the `fmt` package for complex comparisons. With these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to writing reliable and efficient Go tests.

Keyword Description
Go testing Testing framework for the Go programming language
Type-safe comparison A comparison that ensures the types of the values being compared match exactly
Untyped string constant A string literal without an explicit type
Typed string A string with an explicit type, e.g., `string`

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be able to write more effective tests and avoid the frustrating scenario of a test failing despite identical expected and got values.

  1. Go Testing Package
  2. Go Type Assertions
  3. Go fmt Package

Here is the HTML code for 5 Questions and Answers about “Go: test fails when expected value is the same as got value”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Go testing!

Why does my Go test fail when the expected and got values are the same?

This might seem counterintuitive, but it’s due to the way Go compares values. Even if the values look the same, they might not be exactly equal. For example, floats can have slight differences due to rounding errors. Check if you’re using the correct equality operator (e.g., `reflect.DeepEqual()` for structs) and make sure you’re not comparing apples and oranges.

I’m using the same function to generate the expected and got values, but the test still fails. What’s going on?

This is a classic pitfall! Even if you’re using the same function, the generated values might not be identical. This is especially true for functions that involve randomness, timestamps, or other non-deterministic factors. Try to use a fixed, hardcoded value for your expected result, or find a way to make your function return a reproducible result.

Can I use the `==` operator to compare structs?

Nope! The `==` operator only checks if the memory addresses of the structs are the same, not if their contents are equal. You need to use `reflect.DeepEqual()` or a custom equality function to compare structs field by field.

How can I debug a failing test when the expected and got values seem identical?

When in doubt, print it out! Use `fmt.Printf()` or a debugger to inspect the values in question. You can also use the `fmt` package’s `%#v` verb to print the values in a more verbose, debug-friendly format. Sometimes, the issue lies in the formatting or whitespace, so make sure to check those too.

Can I use Go’s built-in `testing` package to test if two slices are equal?

Yes and no! The `testing` package provides an `Equal` function, but it only works for simple types like ints and strings. For slices, you’ll need to use `reflect.DeepEqual()` or write a custom equality function. Alternatively, you can use a third-party library like `github.com/stretchr/testify/assert` which provides more advanced assertion functions.