Type-hinting a Dynamically Generated Concrete Subtype of an Abstract Class in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Rhiane - hkhazo.biz.id

Type-hinting a Dynamically Generated Concrete Subtype of an Abstract Class in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of typing uncertainties in your Python code? Do you want to take your type-hinting game to the next level? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of dynamically generated concrete subtypes of abstract classes in Python, and show you how to type-hint like a pro.

What’s the Problem?

When working with abstract classes in Python, you might encounter a situation where you need to dynamically generate a concrete subtype. This can be a challenge when it comes to type-hinting, as you might not know the exact type of the generated class at runtime. But fear not, dear developer, for we have a solution for you!

The Power of Abstract Classes

Abstract classes are a powerful tool in Python, allowing you to define a blueprint for other classes to follow. They’re especially useful when you want to create a family of classes that share a common interface, but have different implementations.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Animal(ABC):
    def sound(self):

In this example, we define an abstract class `Animal` with an abstract method `sound`. Any class that inherits from `Animal` must implement the `sound` method.

Dynamically Generating Concrete Subtypes

Now, let’s say you want to dynamically generate concrete subtypes of the `Animal` class. You can do this using Python’s built-in `type` function, which allows you to create new classes at runtime.

def create_animal_subclass(name, sound):
    return type(name, (Animal,), {'sound': lambda self: sound})

Dog = create_animal_subclass('Dog', 'Woof!')
Cat = create_animal_subclass('Cat', 'Meow!')

In this example, we define a function `create_animal_subclass` that takes a `name` and a `sound` parameter. It returns a new class that inherits from `Animal` and implements the `sound` method with the provided `sound` parameter. We then use this function to create two concrete subtypes, `Dog` and `Cat`.

Type-Hinting the Dynamically Generated Class

Now that we’ve dynamically generated our concrete subtypes, we need to type-hint them correctly. This is where things can get a bit tricky.

The Problem with type-hinting

The issue with type-hinting dynamically generated classes is that we don’t know the exact type of the class at runtime. We can’t simply use the class name as a type hint, because the class doesn’t exist yet!

def make_sound(animal: ???) -> None:

In this example, we want to define a function `make_sound` that takes an `animal` parameter and calls its `sound` method. But what type should we use for the `animal` parameter?

The Solution: Using the ` typing.Type` Type Hint

The solution to our type-hinting problem lies in the `typing.Type` type hint. This type hint allows us to specify a type that is a subclass of a given class.

from typing import Type

def make_sound(animal: Type[Animal]) -> None:

In this example, we use the `Type` type hint to specify that the `animal` parameter should be a subclass of `Animal`. This allows us to type-hint the dynamically generated classes correctly.

Using the ` typing.TypeVar` Type Hint

Another way to type-hint dynamically generated classes is by using the `typing.TypeVar` type hint. This type hint allows us to define a type variable that can be used as a type hint.

from typing import TypeVar

T_Animal = TypeVar('T_Animal', bound=Animal)

def make_sound(animal: T_Animal) -> None:

In this example, we define a type variable `T_Animal` that is bound to the `Animal` class. We then use this type variable as a type hint for the `animal` parameter.

Putting it all Together

Now that we’ve covered the basics of dynamically generating concrete subtypes of an abstract class and type-hinting them correctly, let’s put it all together.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Type, TypeVar

class Animal(ABC):
    def sound(self):

T_Animal = TypeVar('T_Animal', bound=Animal)

def create_animal_subclass(name, sound):
    return type(name, (Animal,), {'sound': lambda self: sound})

def make_sound(animal: T_Animal) -> None:

Dog = create_animal_subclass('Dog', 'Woof!')
Cat = create_animal_subclass('Cat', 'Meow!')

make_sound(Dog())  # Output: Woof!
make_sound(Cat())  # Output: Meow!

In this example, we define the `Animal` abstract class, the `create_animal_subclass` function, and the `make_sound` function. We then use the `create_animal_subclass` function to create two concrete subtypes, `Dog` and `Cat`, and pass instances of these classes to the `make_sound` function.


In this article, we’ve covered the topic of type-hinting a dynamically generated concrete subtype of an abstract class in Python. We’ve seen how to use the `typing.Type` and `typing.TypeVar` type hints to correctly type-hint dynamically generated classes.

By following the instructions in this article, you should be able to type-hint your dynamically generated classes with confidence. Remember to use the `typing.Type` type hint when you need to specify a type that is a subclass of a given class, and the `typing.TypeVar` type hint when you need to define a type variable that can be used as a type hint.

Happy coding!

Keyword Definition
Type-hinting The process of adding type hints to a Python code to specify the expected types of variables, function parameters, and return types.
Abstract class A class that cannot be instantiated and is intended to be inherited by other classes.
Concrete subtype A class that inherits from an abstract class and implements all its abstract methods.
Dynamically generated class A class that is created at runtime rather than at compile time.
typing.Type A type hint that specifies a type that is a subclass of a given class.
typing.TypeVar A type hint that allows you to define a type variable that can be used as a type hint.
  • Use the `typing.Type` type hint when you need to specify a type that is a subclass of a given class.
  • Use the `typing.TypeVar` type hint when you need to define a type variable that can be used as a type hint.
  • When dynamically generating classes, use the `type` function to create new classes at runtime.
  • When type-hinting dynamically generated classes, use the `typing.Type` or `typing.TypeVar` type hints to specify the expected type.
  1. Define your abstract class using the `ABC` class from the `abc` module.
  2. Create a function that dynamically generates concrete subtypes of the abstract class using the `type` function.
  3. Use the `typing.Type` or `typing.TypeVar` type hints to type-hint the dynamically generated classes.
  4. Pass instances of the dynamically generated classes to functions that use the type-hinted parameters.

Frequently Asked Question

Type-hinting a dynamically generated concrete subtype of an abstract class in Python can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you out:

Q1: What’s the deal with type-hinting dynamically generated classes in Python?

When you dynamically generate a class in Python, you don’t have a fixed class name to use for type-hinting. This can make it challenging to specify the correct type for variables, function parameters, or return types. But fear not, there are ways to get around this!

Q2: Can I use the `type` function to create a dynamic class and then use it for type-hinting?

While you can use the `type` function to create a dynamic class, you can’t use the resulting class object as a type hint directly. This is because the `type` function returns a class object, not a type hint. Instead, you can use the `typing.Type` type hint to indicate that a variable or parameter is a class type.

Q3: How do I dynamically create a concrete subtype of an abstract class in Python?

To dynamically create a concrete subtype of an abstract class, you can use the `type` function to create a new class that inherits from the abstract class. You’ll need to define a class dictionary that includes the required methods and attributes, and then pass it to the `type` function along with the abstract class as the base class.

Q4: Can I use a string as a type hint for a dynamically generated class?

Nope! In Python, you can’t use a string as a type hint for a dynamically generated class. Type hints must be valid types, not strings. Instead, you can use the `typing.Type` type hint, as mentioned earlier, or use a type variable to represent the dynamically generated class.

Q5: Is there a way to make my dynamically generated class more discoverable through introspection?

Yes! You can use the `__module__` and `__qualname__` attributes to make your dynamically generated class more discoverable through introspection. By setting these attributes, you can make your class appear as if it were defined in a specific module and with a specific name, making it easier for tools and libraries to work with your class.

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