How to Ignore Linter Rules in Generated Files with Specific Extensions like `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` in Flutter
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How to Ignore Linter Rules in Generated Files with Specific Extensions like `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` in Flutter

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky linter warnings in your generated files? Do you find yourself constantly adding ignore comments to your code just to get rid of those annoying warnings? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll show you how to ignore linter rules in generated files with specific extensions like `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` in Flutter.

Why Do We Need to Ignore Linter Rules?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand why we need to ignore linter rules in the first place. Linters are useful tools that help us write clean, readable, and maintainable code. However, when it comes to generated files, linters can sometimes be overly zealous and flag warnings for code that is perfectly fine.

In the case of Flutter, generated files like `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` are created by the Flutter framework and are not meant to be edited by humans. These files are auto-generated and are intended to be used by the framework itself. Therefore, it’s often unnecessary to enforce linter rules on these files.

How to Ignore Linter Rules in Generated Files

So, how do we ignore linter rules in generated files with specific extensions like `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` in Flutter? The solution is actually quite simple. We can use the `lint` property in our `analysis_options.yaml` file to configure the linter to ignore specific files or directories.

    - ignore: 'file_names'
      files: ['**/*.g.dart', '**/*.gr.dart']

In the above code snippet, we’re telling the linter to ignore the `file_names` rule for all files with the `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` extension. The `**` symbol is a wildcard that matches any directory or subdirectory.

Using Glob Patterns

Glob patterns are a powerful way to match files or directories in your project. In the above example, we used the `**` symbol to match any directory or subdirectory. However, we can also use more specific glob patterns to match specific files or directories.

    - ignore: 'file_names'
      files: ['lib/**/models/*.g.dart', 'lib/**/widgets/*.gr.dart']

In this example, we’re using glob patterns to match specific files with the `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` extension in the `lib` directory or its subdirectories.

Ignoring Multiple Rules

Sometimes, we may want to ignore multiple rules for the same set of files. We can do this by adding multiple `ignore` properties to our `analysis_options.yaml` file.

    - ignore: 'file_names'
      files: ['**/*.g.dart', '**/*.gr.dart']
    - ignore: 'unnecessary_overrides'
      files: ['**/*.g.dart', '**/*.gr.dart']

In this example, we’re ignoring both the `file_names` and `unnecessary_overrides` rules for all files with the `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` extension.

Configuring the Linter for Specific Directories

What if we want to ignore linter rules for specific directories or subdirectories? We can do this by adding a `directory` property to our `analysis_options.yaml` file.

    - ignore: 'file_names'
      directory: 'lib/generated/'

In this example, we’re ignoring the `file_names` rule for all files in the `lib/generated/` directory and its subdirectories.

Igoring Rules for Specific File Extensions in a Directory

We can also ignore linter rules for specific file extensions in a directory by combining the `directory` property with the `files` property.

    - ignore: 'file_names'
      directory: 'lib/generated/'
      files: ['*.g.dart', '*.gr.dart']

In this example, we’re ignoring the `file_names` rule for all files with the `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` extension in the `lib/generated/` directory and its subdirectories.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to ignore linter rules in generated files with specific extensions like `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` in Flutter. By using the `lint` property in our `analysis_options.yaml` file, we can configure the linter to ignore specific files or directories and focus on writing clean, readable, and maintainable code.

Remember, linters are meant to be helpful tools, not obstacles to productivity. By ignoring linter rules in generated files, we can reduce noise and focus on the code that really matters.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still having issues with linter warnings in your generated files, here are some troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you’re using the correct glob patterns to match your files or directories.
  • Check that you’re ignoring the correct rules for your generated files.
  • If you’re using a custom linter configuration, make sure it’s not overriding your `analysis_options.yaml` file.
  • Try cleaning and rebuilding your project to ensure that the linter is re-run with the new configuration.
Rule Description
file_names Checks that file names match the required naming conventions.
unnecessary_overrides Checks that classes and methods are not unnecessarily overridden.

In this article, we’ve covered the basics of ignoring linter rules in generated files with specific extensions like `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart` in Flutter. By following these simple steps, you can reduce noise and focus on writing clean, readable, and maintainable code.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Flutter developers often encounter annoying warnings and errors from linters when working with generated files. Don’t let those pesky linter rules ruin your day! Here are some FAQs to help you ignore linter rules in generated files with specific extensions like `.g.dart` or `.gr.dart`.

How do I ignore linter rules in generated files?

You can ignore linter rules in generated files by adding the `// ignore_for_file` directive at the top of the file. For example, if you want to ignore the `omit_local_variable_types` rule, you can add `// ignore_for_file: omit_local_variable_types`. This will disable the rule for the entire file.

Can I specify multiple rules to ignore?

Yes, you can specify multiple rules to ignore by separating them with commas. For example, `// ignore_for_file: omit_local_variable_types, unnecessary_cast`. This will disable both rules for the entire file.

How do I ignore linter rules for all generated files with a specific extension?

You can add a global ignore rule in your `analysis_options.yaml` file. For example, to ignore the `omit_local_variable_types` rule for all files with the `.g.dart` extension, you can add the following configuration: `analyzer: ignore: omit_local_variable_types: { “.g.dart”: ignore }`. This will disable the rule for all files with the `.g.dart` extension.

Can I ignore linter rules for specific directories?

Yes, you can ignore linter rules for specific directories by specifying the directory path in your `analysis_options.yaml` file. For example, to ignore the `omit_local_variable_types` rule for all files in the `generated` directory, you can add the following configuration: `analyzer: ignore: omit_local_variable_types: { “generated/**.dart”: ignore }`. This will disable the rule for all files in the `generated` directory and its subdirectories.

What if I want to ignore linter rules for all generated files in my project?

You can add a global ignore rule in your `analysis_options.yaml` file to ignore linter rules for all generated files. For example, to ignore all rules for all generated files, you can add the following configuration: `analyzer: ignore: *: { “**/*.g.dart”: ignore, “**/*.gr.dart”: ignore }`. This will disable all linter rules for all files with the `.g.dart` and `.gr.dart` extensions.

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