ACF with WPBakery not being rendered? Let’s Debug and Fix it!
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ACF with WPBakery not being rendered? Let’s Debug and Fix it!

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Are you frustrated with your ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) fields not being rendered with WPBakery (formerly Visual Composer)? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common issues and provide step-by-step solutions to get your ACF fields up and running with WPBakery.

Understanding the Integration

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s quickly understand how ACF and WPBakery work together. WPBakery is a popular page builder plugin that allows you to create custom layouts and designs for your WordPress site. ACF, on the other hand, is a powerful plugin that enables you to add custom fields to your WordPress site.

The integration between ACF and WPBakery allows you to add custom fields to your WPBakery layouts, giving you more flexibility and control over your content. However, when things go wrong, it can be frustrating and confusing.

Common Issues and Causes

Here are some common issues and causes why your ACF fields might not be rendering with WPBakery:

  • Incompatible versions: Make sure you’re running the latest versions of both ACF and WPBakery. Older versions might have compatibility issues.
  • Plugin conflicts: Other plugins might be interfering with the integration. Try deactivating other plugins one by one to identify the culprit.
  • Field setup issues: ACF fields might not be set up correctly, or the field type might not be compatible with WPBakery.
  • Layout issues: WPBakery layout issues can prevent ACF fields from rendering. Check your layout settings and templates.
  • PHP and memory issues: Insufficient PHP memory or limitations can cause issues with the integration.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve identified the common issues, let’s walk through the troubleshooting steps:

Step 1: Check the ACF Field Setup

Make sure the ACF field is set up correctly:

  • Check the field type: Ensure the field type is compatible with WPBakery. Some field types, like repeaters or flexible content, might require additional setup.
  • Check the field settings: Verify that the field is enabled and has the correct settings, such as the field name, label, and instructions.
  • Check the field permissions: Ensure that the field is accessible to the correct user roles.

// Example ACF field setup code
acf_add_local_field(array (
  'key' => 'field_123456789',
  'label' => 'My ACF Field',
  'name' => 'my_acf_field',
  'type' => 'text',
  'instructions' => 'Enter your text here',
  'required' => 0,
  'conditional_logic' => 0,
  'wrapper' => array (
    'width' => '',
    'class' => '',
    'id' => '',

Step 2: Check the WPBakery Layout

Verify that your WPBakery layout is set up correctly:

  • Check the layout template: Ensure that the layout template is correctly set up and includes the ACF field.
  • Check the row and column settings: Verify that the row and column settings are correct and don’t restrict the ACF field.
  • Check the CSS and JavaScript files: Ensure that there are no CSS or JavaScript conflicts affecting the ACF field rendering.

// Example WPBakery layout code
<?php vc_row full_width="stretch_row" full_height="yes" equal_height="yes" content_placement="top">
  <?php vc_column width="1/2">
    <?php if( get_field('my_acf_field') ): ?>
      <p><?php the_field('my_acf_field'); ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>
  <?php vc_column>
<?php vc_row>

Step 3: Check for Plugin Conflicts

Identify and resolve any plugin conflicts:

  • Deactivate other plugins one by one to identify the conflicting plugin.
  • Check the plugin’s documentation for compatibility issues with ACF and WPBakery.
  • Reach out to the plugin author for support and guidance.

Step 4: Check PHP and Memory Issues

Verify that your PHP settings are sufficient:

  • Check your PHP version: Ensure that your PHP version is compatible with ACF and WPBakery.
  • Check the memory limit: Increase the PHP memory limit to prevent issues with the integration.
  • Check the server settings: Verify that your server settings are optimized for WordPress and plugin performance.

// Example PHP code to increase memory limit

Additional Tips and Workarounds

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try these additional tips and workarounds:

  • Use the ACF shortcode: Instead of using the WPBakery layout, try using the ACF shortcode to render the field.
  • Use a different field type: If you’re using a repeater or flexible content field, try switching to a different field type to see if it resolves the issue.
  • Clear the WPBakery cache: Clear the WPBakery cache to ensure that the changes are reflected correctly.
  • Check the ACF and WPBakery logs: Review the ACF and WPBakery logs to identify any errors or issues related to the integration.
Tip Description
Use the ACF shortcode Renders the ACF field using the shortcode instead of the WPBakery layout.
Use a different field type Switches to a different ACF field type to resolve compatibility issues.
Clear the WPBakery cache Clears the WPBakery cache to ensure changes are reflected correctly.
Check the ACF and WPBakery logs Reviews the logs to identify errors or issues related to the integration.


ACF with WPBakery not being rendered can be frustrating, but by following these troubleshooting steps and tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your ACF fields up and running with WPBakery. Remember to check the ACF field setup, WPBakery layout, plugin conflicts, PHP and memory issues, and try additional tips and workarounds if needed.

Still stuck? Reach out to the ACF and WPBakery support teams or seek help from a WordPress developer to get your issue resolved.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “ACF with wpbakery not being rendered” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with ACF fields not rendering properly with wpbakery? Fear not, we’ve got the answers to get you back on track!

Why are my ACF fields not displaying in wpbakery?

This could be due to a configuration issue. Make sure you have enabled the ACF fields in the wpbakery settings and that the fields are assigned to the correct post type. Also, check if the ACF fields are set to ‘published’ and not ‘draft’.

I’ve checked the settings, but my ACF fields are still not rendering!

Try checking the wpbakery template settings. Ensure that the template is set to use the ACF fields and that the fields are correctly mapped to the template. Also, try refreshing the wpbakery cache to ensure that the changes take effect.

Are there any compatibility issues with ACF and wpbakery?

Both ACF and wpbakery are popular plugins, and they generally work well together. However, there might be instances where they conflict with other plugins or themes. Try deactivating other plugins or switching to a default theme to isolate the issue.

Can I use ACF repeater fields with wpbakery?

Yes, you can use ACF repeater fields with wpbakery! However, you’ll need to use a third-party add-on or custom code to make it work. There are several tutorials and plugins available online that can help you achieve this.

How do I debug ACF fields not rendering in wpbakery?

Enable debug mode in wpbakery and check the console logs for any errors. You can also try using the ACF debug tool to identify issues with your fields. Additionally, check the WordPress error logs to see if there are any PHP errors related to ACF or wpbakery.

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