Unlocking the Power of Fillfactor on Postgres View Tables: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Rhiane - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Fillfactor on Postgres View Tables: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with slow-performing view tables in your Postgres database? Do you struggle to optimize your database for better performance and efficiency? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the often-overlooked topic of fillfactor on Postgres view tables, and provide you with the knowledge and tools to unlock the full potential of your database.

What is Fillfactor?

Fillfactor is a critical component of Postgres database tuning, yet it’s often misunderstood or overlooked. In simple terms, fillfactor refers to the percentage of space allocated to store data in a table or index. By default, Postgres sets the fillfactor to 100, which means that the entire block is filled with data. Sounds good, right? Well, not exactly.

A 100% fillfactor can lead to performance issues, especially in high-traffic databases or those with frequent inserts, updates, and deletes. This is because Postgres has to constantly rewrite the entire block to accommodate changes, resulting in slower query times and increased I/O overhead.

How Does Fillfactor Affect View Tables?

View tables are a powerful tool in Postgres, allowing you to present complex queries in a simplified, table-like structure. However, view tables can be particularly susceptible to fillfactor-related issues, especially if they’re built on top of frequently updated base tables.

When a view table is queried, Postgres has to recreate the entire view by executing the underlying query. If the base tables have a high fillfactor, this can lead to:

  • Slow query performance
  • Increased I/O overhead
  • Frequent VACUUM and ANALYZE operations
  • Possible locking issues

Ouch! That sounds like a recipe for disaster. But fear not, dear reader, for we have solutions!

Optimizing Fillfactor for View Tables

So, how do you optimize fillfactor for view tables? The answer lies in understanding the concept of table bloat.

What is Table Bloat?

Table bloat refers to the phenomenon where a table or index grows beyond its optimal size, resulting in wasted space and decreased performance. This can occur due to various factors, including:

  • Frequent inserts, updates, and deletes
  • High fillfactor values
  • Inadequate VACUUM and ANALYZE operations

To combat table bloat and optimize fillfactor for view tables, follow these steps:

  1. Analyze your view table’s underlying queries to identify the most frequently updated base tables.

  2. Run the following command to check the current fillfactor value for the identified base tables:

    SELECT relname, fillfactor FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'your_table_name';
  3. Adjust the fillfactor value using the following command:

    ALTER TABLE your_table_name SET (fillfactor = 70);

    Note: A fillfactor of 70 is a good starting point, but you may need to experiment with different values depending on your specific use case.

  4. Run VACUUM and ANALYZE operations regularly to maintain a healthy database:

    VACUUM (FULL) your_table_name;
    ANALYZE your_table_name;
  5. Monitor your view table’s performance and adjust the fillfactor value as needed.

Real-World Example: Optimizing a View Table

Let’s say we have a view table called customer_orders that combines data from two base tables: customers and orders. The underlying query looks like this:

CREATE VIEW customer_orders AS
SELECT c.customer_name, o.order_date, o.total_amount
FROM customers c
JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id;

Upon analyzing the base tables, we discover that the orders table has a high fillfactor value of 100 and is experiencing frequent updates. We decide to adjust the fillfactor value to 70 and run regular VACUUM and ANALYZE operations.

ALTER TABLE orders SET (fillfactor = 70);
VACUUM (FULL) orders;
ANALYZE orders;

After optimizing the fillfactor for the orders table, we notice a significant improvement in the performance of the customer_orders view table.

Query Before Optimization (ms) After Optimization (ms)
SELECT * FROM customer_orders; 2500 1500
SELECT * FROM customer_orders WHERE order_date = ‘2022-01-01’; 1200 800
SELECT * FROM customer_orders WHERE customer_name = ‘John Doe’; 1800 1200

As you can see, optimizing the fillfactor for the orders table resulted in a significant reduction in query time for the customer_orders view table.


Fillfactor is a critical aspect of Postgres database tuning, and optimizing it for view tables can have a significant impact on performance. By understanding the concept of table bloat, adjusting the fillfactor value, and running regular VACUUM and ANALYZE operations, you can unlock the full potential of your database and improve the overall efficiency of your applications.

Remember, a well-tuned database is a happy database! So, go ahead and experiment with different fillfactor values, and watch your Postgres database thrive.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Postgres views and fillfactor!

What is fillfactor in Postgres, and how does it affect my views?

Fillfactor is a storage parameter in Postgres that determines the percentage of space to leave free on each data page for future inserts and updates. When you create a view, Postgres doesn’t store the data physically, so fillfactor doesn’t directly affect view performance. However, if the underlying tables have a low fillfactor, it can lead to performance issues when querying the view, as the underlying tables may experience page splits and rearrangements.

Can I set a custom fillfactor for a Postgres view?

Sorry to disappoint, but you can’t set a custom fillfactor for a Postgres view because views don’t store data physically. Fillfactor is a storage parameter that only applies to physical tables. However, you can set the fillfactor for the underlying tables that the view relies on, and that will indirectly impact view performance.

How do I optimize my Postgres view’s performance when the underlying tables have a low fillfactor?

If the underlying tables have a low fillfactor, it’s essential to maintain them regularly by running VACUUM and REINDEX commands. This helps to remove dead tuples and rebuild indexes, reducing the likelihood of page splits and rearrangements. Additionally, consider increasing the fillfactor for the underlying tables or using a higher fillfactor when creating new tables.

Does altering the fillfactor of an underlying table affect an existing view?

Nope! Changing the fillfactor of an underlying table doesn’t directly impact an existing view. The view will continue to function as before, but the performance benefits from the updated fillfactor will be noticeable when querying the view. The view will simply inherit the performance improvements from the updated underlying table.

Are there any scenarios where I should avoid using a high fillfactor for my underlying tables?

Yes, there are cases where a high fillfactor might not be the best choice. If you have a table with frequent insert operations, a high fillfactor can lead to more page splits, which can negatively impact performance. Additionally, if you have limited disk space, a high fillfactor can result in wasted space. It’s essential to find a balance that suits your specific use case.

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